Uses of Class

Packages that use FTPException
com.myjavaworld.ftp This package contains the interfaces and default implementations for accessing a remote computer using file transfer protocol (FTP). 

Uses of FTPException in com.myjavaworld.ftp

Methods in com.myjavaworld.ftp that throw FTPException
 void FTPClient.abort()
          Sends an abort command to the remote host.
 void DefaultFTPClient.abort()
 void FTPClient.allocate(long bytes)
          Allocates the specified number of bytes on the remote system.
 void DefaultFTPClient.allocate(long bytes)
 void FTPClient.connect(FTPHost ftpHost)
          Connects and logs in to the FTP host.
 void DefaultFTPClient.connect(FTPHost ftpHost)
 void FTPClient.connect(String host)
          Connects to the specified remote host host on the default FTP port.
 void DefaultFTPClient.connect(String host)
 void ControlConnection.connect(String host)
          Connects to the given remote host on the default FTP port as defined in FTPConstants.DEFAULT_PORT.
 void ImplicitSSLControlConnection.connect(String host, int port)
          Connects to the specified remote host on the specified port number.
 void FTPClient.connect(String host, int port)
          Connects to the specfied remote host host, on the specified port number port.
 void ExplicitSSLControlConnection.connect(String host, int port)
          Connects to the specified remote host on the specified port number.
 void DefaultFTPClient.connect(String host, int port)
 void ControlConnection.connect(String host, int port)
          Connects to the specified remote host on the specified port number.
 void FTPClient.createDirectory(RemoteFile dir)
          Creates the specified remote directory dir on the remote host.
 void DefaultFTPClient.createDirectory(RemoteFile dir)
 void FTPClient.createFile(RemoteFile file)
          Creates an empty file with the given name on the remote host.
 void DefaultFTPClient.createFile(RemoteFile file)
 void FTPClient.delete(RemoteFile path)
          Deletes the specified path from the remote system.
 void DefaultFTPClient.delete(RemoteFile path)
 void FTPClient.deleteDirectory(RemoteFile dir)
          Deletes the specified directory dir on the remote system.
 void DefaultFTPClient.deleteDirectory(RemoteFile dir)
 void FTPClient.deleteFile(RemoteFile file)
          Deletes the specified file, file from the remote system.
 void DefaultFTPClient.deleteFile(RemoteFile file)
 void FTPClient.disconnect()
          Sends a quit command to the remote system and closes the control connection and data connection associated with this FTPClient.
 void DefaultFTPClient.disconnect()
 void source, File destination, int type, boolean append)
          Copies the contents of the source to the local file destination.
 void source, File destination, int type, boolean append)
 String FTPClient.executeCommand(String command)
          Executes the given command returns the response back.
 String DefaultFTPClient.executeCommand(String command)
 String FTPClient.getHelp()
          Executes the HELP command on the remote host and returns the response back.
 String DefaultFTPClient.getHelp()
 String FTPClient.getSystemInfo()
          Returns the remote host's information by executing the SYST command.
 String DefaultFTPClient.getSystemInfo()
 RemoteFile FTPClient.getWorkingDirectory()
          Returns the current working directory.
 RemoteFile DefaultFTPClient.getWorkingDirectory()
 RemoteFile[] FTPClient.list()
          Retrieves the contents (children) of the current working directory.
 RemoteFile[] DefaultFTPClient.list()
 RemoteFile[] FTPClient.list(Filter filter)
          Retrieves the children of the current working directory.
 RemoteFile[] DefaultFTPClient.list(Filter filter)
 RemoteFile[] FTPClient.list(RemoteFile dir)
          Returns the direct children of the specified directory.
 RemoteFile[] DefaultFTPClient.list(RemoteFile dir)
 RemoteFile[] FTPClient.list(RemoteFile dir, Filter filter)
          Returns the direct children of the specified directory.
 RemoteFile[] DefaultFTPClient.list(RemoteFile dir, Filter filter)
 void FTPClient.login(String user, String password)
          Logs in to the remote host with the specified user id and password.
 void DefaultFTPClient.login(String user, String password)
 void FTPClient.login(String user, String password, String account)
          Logs in to the remote host with the specified user ID, pasword and account.
 void DefaultFTPClient.login(String user, String password, String account)
 void AS400FTPClient.login(String user, String password, String account)
 void FTPClient.mountStructure(String path)
          Sends a SMNT command with the specified path to mount.
 void DefaultFTPClient.mountStructure(String path)
 void FTPClient.noop()
          Sends a No-Operation command to the remote system.
 void DefaultFTPClient.noop()
 void FTPClient.reinitialize()
          Sends a reinitialize command to the remote host.
 void DefaultFTPClient.reinitialize()
 void FTPClient.rename(RemoteFile from, RemoteFile to)
          Renames a file or directory, from to to.
 void DefaultFTPClient.rename(RemoteFile from, RemoteFile to)
 void FTPClient.restart(long bytes)
          Sends a RESTART command to the remote host with the specified number of bytes.
 void DefaultFTPClient.restart(long bytes)
 void FTPClient.setMode(int mode)
          Sets the mode in which data is transferred to the given mode .
 void DefaultFTPClient.setMode(int mode)
 void FTPClient.setSiteParameter(String param)
          Sends a SITE command with the specified parameter(s).
 void DefaultFTPClient.setSiteParameter(String param)
 void FTPClient.setStructure(int structure)
          Sets the structure to the specified structure.
 void DefaultFTPClient.setStructure(int structure)
 RemoteFile FTPClient.setToParentDirectory()
          Sets the remote working directory to the parent directory of the current working directory.
 RemoteFile DefaultFTPClient.setToParentDirectory()
 void FTPClient.setType(int type)
          Sets the data representation type to the given type.
 void DefaultFTPClient.setType(int type)
 RemoteFile FTPClient.setWorkingDirectory(RemoteFile dir)
          Sets the remote working directory to the specified directory dir.
 RemoteFile DefaultFTPClient.setWorkingDirectory(RemoteFile dir)
 void FTPClient.upload(File source, RemoteFile destination, int type, boolean append, long skip)
          copies the contents of local file source to the specified remote file destination.
 void DefaultFTPClient.upload(File source, RemoteFile destination, int type, boolean append, long skip)

Uses of FTPException in com.myjavaworld.ftp.examples

Methods in com.myjavaworld.ftp.examples that throw FTPException
static void Upload.main(String[] args)
static void SSLDownload.main(String[] args)
static void Download.main(String[] args)
static void DirList.main(String[] args)

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